Thursday, July 25, 2013


I admit, I'm Asian and I'm terrible when it comes to math. Sorry, Kumon. You did nothing for me. Even with my horrible math skills, I know how much change I'm supposed to get back without much thought because I used to work for my parents at their 7-Eleven. Anyway, I feel like there's a pattern in my neighborhood. I keep getting change that's $1 short! I notice this right away, but I calculate it slowly in my head so I don't look like an idiot when I correct them. 

So is this is a coincidence or are they trying to be all sly about ripping me off? I'm not sure. It's happened many times. People here don't believe in receipts, either. They just put the price of your food or whatever in the cash register, but they don't put in how much money you give them. So they calculate it in their head as opposed to the machine doing it. It probably is just human error, but if I weren't paying attention, I'd probably lose quite a bit of money. There's even one store that has a sign about making sure you count your change before you leave. Once you leave they won't do anything if they've made a mistake. Do you know how much pressure that gives me? I count my change so carefully when I go to that store. It kind of scares me, actually!

It's really inconvenient that 80% of the stores here don't take credit cards. There are so many cash only businesses and it drives me crazy! You know what's lame? There are some places where they do accept credit cards, but they tax you. They don't charge you tax if you give them cash. How shady is that? No sir, I don't like it. 

It's past 3 and I'm complaining about cash only businesses. What is wrong with me? These are the random thoughts running through my mind at this hour. I would've lost $2 this week if I didn't count my change! Hey, it adds up! That's like two bags of Skittles! Mmm Skittles...

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