Monday, September 2, 2013

Child Exploitation?

I am going to be so mean right now, so please bear with me. There was a kid, maybe around 12-13 years old, playing piano outside by Chase and he was selling CDs for $10. I'm sorry, but holy cow. He was TERRIBLE. Oh, the way he ruined Bach and Mozart almost made me cry. He was haphazardly playing with tons of wrong notes and with absolutely no feeling. You would expect the kid to be pretty good to be selling CDs, but no. Goodness gracious, my ears! There are plenty of kids who are much better than he is, but they don't profit off their talent like that. It has to be the parents' idea. I played those pieces when I was his age. Did I sell CDs? No! What's even worse was that a huge crowd was standing around him as if he were extraordinary. Did they not have ears? 

Look, it's great that he plays and music is great for children, but I really don't see why he's selling CDs. I wouldn't have minded if he was just playing, but it's the fact that his dad was there trying to sell CDs. I just found that so wrong. The way he was playing was robotic. Even the look on his face while he was playing was emotionless. That's not how you play piano! Just because you can "play" a piece, doesn't mean you can PLAY a piece. I just wanted to go over there and show him how to play correctly. 

I don't even think the parents are proud of how he plays piano. They just want to make money out of it. What the heck is that? I wonder if he enjoys playing or if he's simply doing it to appease his parents.

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