Thursday, August 1, 2013

Do I look fat in this?

I went shopping yesterday and tried on a bunch of clothes. A few hours of shopping and I came home empty-handed. Well, I bought three pairs of underwear, but who's going to see that? Nobody! Sigh. 

I was in a dressing room at H&M and overheard a girl asking a guy if he could see her stomach in the dress she was wearing. I could clearly hear the reluctance in his voice and he said, "Um, it shows a little, but will that bother you? It's fine if you're okay with it." She said, "I don't care! Doesn't this dress make me look skinny, though?!" I don't know if he was being really nice, if it was just a really tight dress and anybody with more than 1% body fat would look fat in it, or if she was seriously deluded. I wish I saw what she looked like. I'm thinking he was being way too nice. I also think she was probably fishing for a compliment, but didn't get one. 

I tried on a few casual dresses to wear when I go out with my girls, but ugh. I looked terrible. I lost some weight recently and I had the nerve to try on some tighter dresses. I think this has discouraged me even more! I had a pooch and no matter how much I sucked in my stomach, it was still there. I was totally bummed out. I thought my body was looking better, but I've been fooling myself. I'm still a flabby mess. I had my eye on a dress from ASOS, but now I'm having second thoughts because it's a very body conscious dress. 

Looking for a dress for my brother's wedding has been a complete failure. I don't think I'm THAT picky. It's my brother's wedding! I can't just wear some random, ordinary dress. It needs to be fabulous! I just can't seem to find the right dress. If I could do advanced sewing, I would totally make my own dress. I just don't see what I like. I'm the type of person who has to love something in order for me to buy it. If there's even just one tiny thing that I don't like, I won't buy it. Another problem is that the dresses I DO want to buy are just way too expensive. I know it's supposed to be a special dress, but I just can't justify paying over $500 for a dress. The only dress I'd pay that much for would be my wedding dress. I'm not the one getting married here, so no $500 dress for me!

I really need to start exercising more. I don't want to be a blob. I really hope I'll find a dress that I'll love or else I might just have to go to my brother's wedding in my bedsheets. 

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