Saturday, June 21, 2014

Need to blog more

So, here I am again.

I thought about blogging more. Just random stuff, hence the title of my blog. I used to write a lot. Remember Xanga? I blogged every day on there. Frankly, it was a lot of angsty, emo crap when I was younger. I admit, I'm still emo at times, but let's face it. When you have lady bits, it's inevitable that we get emo. While I may not blog every day, I'll try to blog more for everyone's entertainment. I've been told that I'm pretty funny (tooting my horn *toot toot*), and that makes me happy. Without further ado, my random thoughts of the day.

Guys who are taller but skinnier than I am are not hot. It makes me feel like I'd be Jell-O wrapped around a chicken bone. That isn't appetizing. I don't like it. 

Is there any way to keep Krazy Glue from drying up after you use it one or two times? Actually, it hasn't really worked well on the last few times I've used it. Krazy Klue is Krazy Useless.

Do you ever take a poop the size of a baby's arm and you pray that it won't clog the toilet? When it does go down without any problems, you are so full of relief and your worries were literally flushed away. No? Yeah, I don't do that, either. 

Speaking of Krazy Glue, I went to the 99 cent stores to look for some. I bought a bowl because a bowl is exactly like Krazy Glue. I didn't buy any Krazy Glue. 

Cody's been farting up a storm. I'm very grateful that it's only around the 60s right now and not humid and in the 90s. Death by inhaling fart in extremely hot and humid conditions isn't exactly glamorous. 

Strapless bras are the devil. I wore one today because I wanted to be sexy like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance and wear an off-the-shoulder top. I usually wear a regular bra and don't give a crap about my strap showing, but I decided to be daring and wear my strapless bra I've worn exactly once for half a day. It's actually a decent bra, but I just kept getting paranoid that it would fall off and wind up falling down to my ankles. Therefore, I was walking around like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.  

Wondering if I should eat right now. It's 11:42 pm and I'm starving. Yeah, probably. I was excited that I was able to fit into a pair of size 2 shorts the other day, barely. My crotch wasn't really happy about it, so if I keep up these 11:42 pm meals, I'm pretty sure my crotch will reject those shorts. My lady bits won't be happy and then I'll be emo again. 

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